PUC Test for vehicle and it’s importance
What Is PUC Certificate?
A Pollution Under Control Certificate is an approval that emission from your vehicle is under control and as per the pollution norms. It is an official document issued by the government after the thorough verification of the vehicle’s emission levels. As per the Motor Vehicle Act, like a motor insurance policy, registration certificate, and driving license, a PUC certificate is now mandatory to carry while driving. The smoke emitted from vehicles, if left unchecked, could pollute the environment to a great extent. PUC is a certification mark that is provided to vehicles that undergo the PUC Test successfully. The certification indicates that the vehicle’s emissions are in alignment with standard pollution norms and are not harmful to the environment. All vehicles on Indian roads are mandated to carry a valid PUC certification.

- For Diesel Vehicle: When it comes to PUC testing of diesel cars, the accelerator of the car is completely pressed to get an accurate reading on the level of emission. This procedure is repeated five times, and each time the reading is noted down, then the average of these readings is taken as the final reading.
- For Petrol Vehicle: When it comes to PUC testing of petrol vehicles, the car is switched on and the engine is kept running without applying the accelerator. This process is done only once and an accurate reading is noted as the final reading.
Link 1 : https://www.tataaig.com/knowledge-center/car-insurance/why-puc-certificate-is-important-for-your-car
Link 2 : https://www.godigit.com/traffic-rules/puc-certificate
Important of PUC Certificate:
Under the Motor Vehicles Act, having a PUC certificate is mandatory, just the way having valid insurance for your car, the registration certificate and a driving license are important. Additionally, a mandate by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority has made having a PUCC compulsory for vehicle owners wanting to buy or renew a bike or car insurance policy. We at Tata AIG always recommend having a valid PUC document if you plan to buy a Tata AIG car insurance policy. Without a valid PUCC, under Section 190 (2) of the Motor Vehicle Act, you could be prosecuted. If you do not have this document with you, a first-time offence will attract a fine of ₹1000/- while you will have to pay ₹2000/- for a second-time offence. However, the purpose of introducing the PUCC as an important document is to ensure that vehicle owners are more aware of environmental issues and contribute towards reducing them with the impending danger of global warming and to effectively reduce the amount of pollution in the air, the Government of India has mandated that every vehicle – commercial and private – has a pollution under control (PUC) certificate.
The pollution under control (PUC) certificate is one which shows whether the vehicle is under the prescribed standards with regard to emissions. Apart from this, the PUC certificate has been made mandatory as per the Central Motor Vehicle Rule, 1989. Only if the emissions from the vehicle are below the prescribed norms which are deemed as legal, will the vehicle owner be allowed to use the vehicle on the roads of India. The emission test which checks the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon levels of the emitted fumes can be carried out at any petrol bunk that is certified to carry out the test.

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