In the motor cycle, ignition systems are the one of the most important part, where it ignites for the starting of the engine. Combustion process cannot be able to done, if any problem occurs in this system, which leads engine cannot be able to start. Normally motor cycle riders do not use a proper tool for correcting the issues, in which they are exposed to the unsafety hazards. The main purpose of the tool is to properly diagnose the problem and eliminate them. So here comes the spark plug tester and cleaner, which helps us to test and clear the sparkplug and ignition wire connectivity, which eliminates the risk of high voltage shock.
Motorcycle ignition system consists of three important elements such as ignition, carburetion and lubrication, unlike earlier development of ignition system, which are quite tricky and dangerous. And this system undergoes three elements such as flame, hot tube and magneto ignition. While comparing these two systems, the third part, magneto ignition is commonly processed, because it has the controlled spark that ignites the mixture. These systems use an external power like battery, rather using an internal magnet to create a spark to ignite the mixture. After 1960’s most advanced ignition system has been introduced.
Also, one of the major parts, which helps in igniting the mixture is the spark plug. It is a device used for delivering electric current from an ignition system to the combustion chamber of a spark ignition engine to ignite the compressed fuel/air mixture by an electric spark, while containing combustion pressure within the engine.

The Spark Plug Tester and cleaner simulates the condition of the engine. It consists of the pressurized chamber for testing the spark plug. If the plug is not in proper condition, it can be cleaned in the sand blast unit. This unit consists of the compression chamber, ignition coil, cleaner unit assembly, electronic vibrator, pressure gauge and FRP casting. And it is also connected to the compressed air source of range 5-12 Kgf/cm. Booster can be used, if this much level of pressure not achieved.
The Electrical testing unit works on 220V supply, which is fed through a press button switch to the vibrator. The Electronic Vibrator helps in supplying 12V to the ignition coil, then the high voltage produced by the ignition coil is transferred to the spark plug through a high tensioned wire, which is fitted with plug guard.
The compression chamber consists of two test pockets. One for 8mm spark plugs testing and the other is for 14mm spark plugs testing. These two pockets are attached with blind plugs, where one is sealed other one is in use. These plugs have air screws at their top, so that the pressure in the combustion chamber can be adjusted. The spark can be clearly viewed with the help of the mirror attached in the inside chamber.
After completing the spark plug testing, they are placed on the sand blast unit for proceeding the cleaning process. Inside this unit, compressed air creates the blast of sand, to prevents the sand from spilling outside, and also a fabric covers the unit.
Some of the control valves used in this tester are the double action valve, which is for sand and air blast, and screw type air valve is for compression chamber and pressure gauge.
We can get a visual confirmation regarding the spark plug life, but still for the confirmation in case of working efficiency, we have the regular process. Remove the defected spark plug from the existing cylinder and fit with the other cylinder. So, the defected spark plug is now fixed with another cylinder. After this process gets completed, a test drive is made run, until the defect re appears. If we found the defect again in this cylinder, then there is a problem in the spark plug and this process conformed that the spark plug is really defective. A test drive must be carried out again to re check the problems.
A spark plug can be usually changed every 30000 to 60000 kms or to be changed every 2 to 4 years, and the types of engines also can be considered as another factor for changing the spark plug. Vehicles which uses gas as the fuel, it may also compulsory had to change spark plugs based on the working manual of the different vehicles.
Our ATS-ELGI has the Spark Plug Tester and Cleaner machine, which is also known as SPTC. It is very compact in size and very user friendly to operate. Know more details here at Spark Plug Tester and Cleaner.