Does Infrared light cure Paint?
Electric infrared curing technology is a great addition to your paint booth’s curing mode and may significantly shorten drying times for any type of paint, whether you utilise a mobile or rail-mounted system.They cut the hours-long drying process down to minutes.
Paint curing in cold weather might take up to twice as long, which will significantly lower your productivity. However, you can cure body fillers, paints, primers, and lacquers in less than ten minutes if you use an IR paint booth.
Classification of Infrared waves
Three types of infrared heating are commonly distinguished: short wave, medium wave, and long wave. A portion of the sun’s natural light spectrum, infrared waves don’t cause damage to skin like UV rays.
Short Wave
Refers to non-visible light with a wavelength of around 1400–3000 nanometres (nm). Because SWIR light falls outside of the visible spectrum (400–700 nm), it is invisible to the human eye
Medium Wave
A portion of the electromagnetic spectrum’s infrared band that spans wavelengths of 3µm to 5µm (3,000–5,000nm). Thermal imaging cameras that are not cooled detect radiant heat like this.
Long Wave
The subset of infrared band of the electromagnetic spectrum, covering the wavelengths ranging from 8µm to 14µm (8,000 to 14,000nm).

Heat Transfer Methods
In the Conduction method, the heat transfer occurs between objects by direct contact.
In the Convection method, the heat transfer takes within the fluid.
In the Radiation method, the heat transfer occurs without involving particles through electromagnetic waves.
How to Infrared dryer works?
A reflector and a heating element are the two main parts of an infrared heater. Heat is produced by the heating element from chemical energy received from fuel or electricity. This thermal energy is then directed towards surrounding objects by the reflector as radiant heat.
Types of Infrared heaters
There are three major industrial infrared heaters: quartz, ceramic, and metal sheaths. These heaters use electromagnetic infrared rays, achieving temperature from 1300 ° F to 1600 ° F (704 ° C to 871 ° C) according to their structure, and improving both efficiency and productivity. You can do it. Among them, quartz heaters are known to reach the highest temperatures and ceramic heaters are the most economical.
Quartz Infrared Heaters : Quartz infrared heaters produce short wavelengths and provide the hottest type of infrared heat. They are great for high temperature applications but are not suitable for heating open spaces.
- Ceramic infrared stammering : inexpensive ceramic infrared radiators and are used for heat places.
- Metal infrared storm : metal infrared radiators are the most durable and can reach a temperature higher than 2000 ° F (1093 ° C). It can be used in immersion heating systems.
Solution for Paint Baking
ATS ELGI Offers Paint Booth with Infrared system. Infrared (IR) dryers are globally invented and in a very short time, itsucceeds in providing a professional solution for drying a painted surface with better quality.
Infrared (IR) Dryers dramatically minimize the time, power in drying process and ensures quality in finishing without using any burning fuel.
- Short wave infrared technology
- Control panel with Timer for Auto cut off & Emergency stop
- 3 Lamp / cassette with manual door & hinges for covering the lamp during painting