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How does 3D Wheel alignment machine work?

How does a 3D Wheel alignment machine work?

A wheel alignment is done using an alignment machine that measures the vehicle’s wheel angles. These are calculated and compared against your vehicle’s original specifications. The technician makes adjustments to the camber, caster, and toe of each wheel as needed.

Below is the 3D Alignment machine sequence:

  • Vehicle placement Fixing clamps and image sensors
  • Measuring sensors
  • Computer with Graphical user interface
  • Perform alignment

Vehicle placement:

  • Vehicle placement is necessary for alignment
  • We need a PIT or LIFT for vehicle placement. PIT or LIFT is needed to have a clear flatness in the vehicle placing area. The alignment machine installed at Pit or Lift front is viewed from the vehicle front
  • A turn table placing area is required for placing the front wheel
  • Turn the table top and the rear area should be on the same level.
  • vehicle should be placed on PIT or LIFT and the front wheel should be placed on the turn table-top.

Fixing clamps and image sensors:

3D Wheel Alignment machine has image sensors and uses clamps for fixing the image sensors with a wheel. The image sensors calculate the alignment reading of wheels Wheel clamps have rim locking pins (Fingers) for fixing the wheel rim.

Measuring sensor:

The measuring sensor is located at the front of the vehicle.

There are 2 or 4 measuring sensors used for alignment. The left side sensor measures the vehicle’s left side wheels and the right side sensor measures the vehicle’s right side wheels. Measuring sensors are fixed on one horizontal beam or individually with a vertical beam. The fixings are leveled with the left and right sides

Computer with Graphical user interface program:

Measuring sensors take the images from image sensors on the wheels and send them to the computer for calculation. Computer program – Graphical User Interface embedded in the alignment machine calculates and displays the results. This program works with Windows platform

Measuring sensors send the captured images to a graphical user interface program and that program calculates the alignment value with the calculating method and displays the adjustable reading for adjusting the wheels for alignment.Mechanics adjust the alignment based upon the result.

How is wheel alignment performed?

  • Step 1: Select the required alignment vehicle specification for adjusting the alignment value based on OEM-specified specification.
  • Step 2 Fix the image sensors with wheel clamps on the wheel rim
  • Step 3 Do the run out sequence. The run out sequence is measuring the wheel clamp fixing the error, Rim bend, and wheel centroid. The run out sequence is done to avoid these errors reflecting on alignment readings.
  • Step 4: Do the Caster measuring sequence. That measurement needs caster and SAI measurement for taking the caster and SAI reading
  • Step 5:All measured alignment values are displayed on the monitor for alignment and the mechanic performs the alignment based on the displayed values on the required wheels.