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Spray Paint Booth – Part-3

Over 30 years of automotive paint booth engineering brings you unmatched build quality and unstoppable performance.

There are various types of paint booths sold for a wide range of purposes. Paint booths can be used for artistic purposes, such as for painting a sculpture, and they are also commonly used to paint cars, vehicles, aeroplanes, trucks and other modes of transportation. The purpose of a paint booth is to control the environmental conditions while an object is being spray-painted. Automotive paint booths use extraction fans and specialized ventilation systems to remove chemical fumes from strong paints as well as dust particles, overspray and other contaminants that can affect the paint job. Paint booths can also regulate the temperature and humidity within the area, which allows the paint to be applied properly. Using a paint booth with heating technology can also bake the paint job in order for it to cure quickly and efficiently, which reduces the risk of scratches and other damage to the surface of the product.

There are various styles of paint booths available on the market and the type of booth you choose for your facility depends on many factors. The shop size, the volume of jobs to be done per day and the types of vehicles you will be painting will all help you to determine the right paint booth for your shop. Whether you are looking for a fully heated, high-production paint booth or a simple non-heated booth with basic features [1].

Types of Spray Booths

Like everything else in manufacturing, you can find a spray paint booth designed for your particular application. You’ll find models intended for small plastics, furniture, motorcycles, automobiles, aircraft, boats and more.

Open Face Spray Booths

These models include a ceiling, two sidewalls and a rear exhaust plenum. Air flows through the open front and out through the rear exhaust system. Open-type booths are popular choices for woodwork and finishing furniture. You also find these booths in auto facilities, from manufacturing to repair centres.

Pressurized Booths

This is an enclosed spray booth that exhausts air outdoors at the same volume at which it draws in air. An air makeup system or heater is used in the colder environment to aid temperature control and air purity. This is a popular style for manufacturing and refinishing automobiles and electronics, where a clean environment is a vital component of finish quality.

Non-Pressurized Booths

This system draws air from and expels it into the building via a series of filters. Some environments require a heated air makeup unit. Manu industries use non-pressurized spray paint booths, including auto manufacturing and refinishing, metalwork and fibreglass.

The Main Types of Automotive Paint Booths

There are four main types of automotive paint booths to choose from including a cross draft booth, semi-downdraft, side draft and downdraft.

Cross draft

Semi Downdraft

Side Draft

