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ELV Depollution System

The ModuleTwo is a two compact column system:

Column One: comprises of two powerful pumps for the removal of Petrol/Diesel, incorporating two quality control units for efficient fuel recovery. The SEDA Heavy Duty Tank Drilling machine, on a robust swingarm incorporating our newly developed fuel switch, all controlled with an air processing unit.

Column Two: incorporates a powerful pump for the removal of waste oil/brake fluid, consisting of waste oil funnel on robust swingarm, including waste oil lance and brake fluid hose set. The second powerful pump, removing coolant/washer fluid including coolant lance/spike also controlled with an air processing unit.

BenefitsSpecificationsCatalogueRequest a Quote
  • Space saving
  • Very efficient
  • Clear fuel separation
  • Inline filters
  • Easy handling
  • Tank drill with ATEX certification guarantees safety
Air pressure 8,5 bar – 1.210 l/min
Fluids Petrol/Diesel, Waste oil, Brake fluid, Coolant, Washer fluid
Space req 4,5 x 4,5 x 3,8 metre