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ELV Drainage System

The SEDA Rapid is a complete system that meets all the requirements of modern end-of-life vehicle depollution

The SEDA Rapid maximizes efficiency by removing numerous fork lift movements, with one simple lift onto the vehicle tilting ramp. This high volume station comes with the mobile heavy duty tank drilling machine, complete with quality control units for both Petrol and Diesel recovery. Combined with double funnel swingarm and complete with waste oil and coolant lances. Brake fluid hoses and connections are incorporated also within the lower section.

BenefitsSpecificationsCatalogueRequest a Quote
  • High safety standard
  • All operating fluids
  • Easy maintenance
  • Mobile or static
  • 7 ° tiltable vehicle carrier with a load capacity of 3.5 tonne
  • Explosion proof ATEX certificated
Air requirements 8,5 bar – 1.350 l/min
Load capacity 4 tonnes
Fluids Diesel/Petrol, Waste oil, Brake fluid, Coolant, Washer fluid
Required space 6,0 x 3,4 x 4,3 metre