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ETP – Commercial Vehicle

This is exclusively designed for high solid contamination like mud, suspended solids etc, which is difficult to settle in settling tank. Since the commercial vehicles are driven in rural area, keeping in mind of the water scarcity and the mud contamination, this equipment is designed for immediate settlement of mud and other solids.It consists of HEM SEP before the filtering unit,an advanced filter to remove the high solid contaminants.The HEM SEP also increases the life of sand bed and Activated carbon tower.

Model : ETP – CV

ApplicationsFeatures & BenefitsSpecificationsCatalogueRequest a Quote
Effluent water recycling
  • The unit is a compact, totally closed, skid mounted, pre-fabricated unit
  • The system operation is plug & play concept
  • Treated water quality meets or betters the specified statutory norms
  • 80 % of waste water can be recycled
  • Treated water can be used to wash under chassis of cars
  • Reduced water consumption
Flow 3000 ltrs/hr
Size of the equipments HEMSEP: 39.37”x39.37”x47.2”
SBF 12”x30”
ACF 12”x 30”
Pre & Fine Filter 8” x 30”
Monoblock Pump, Capacity 1hp (single phase)