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Videographic Wheel Balancer

ATS ELGI’s VIDEOGRAPHIC WHEEL BALANCER has several automatic and regulative functions which remove the chance of errors during balancing. Functions like split weight mode and self calibration ensure uniformity for better ride quality.


ApplicationsFeatures & BenefitsSpecificationsDownloadsRequest a Quote
  • Passenger Vehicle(PV)
  • Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV)
  • Tyre shop
  • The 40mm balance shaft increases the strength and guarantees the accuracy of the machine
  • LCD display
  • Power brake
  • The inject plastic weight tray can guarantee the quality
  • The laser scale have the function to realize the position measurement which is featured with the human oriented. In ALU mode, the automatic scale can indicate the unbalance position
Parameter Range
Max. Wheel Diameter 1200mm
Machine weight 164KG
Wheel Width 20″
Power 0.25 KW
Load capacity 75KG
Rotation Speed 200rpm
Accuracy ±1g